Saturday, June 14, 2008

Furniture Making School

So, I get it in my head that I want to make furniture. A fine idea, I'm sure. And, if I let myself dream, I'd like to turn chair building into a profitable business.

Being a nerdy kind of person, I decide to look into schools. Because it would be ridiculous to just start building stuff without going to class first. The first thing I came upon was something called Penn Foster College. I sign up for some information, which arrived in the mail today. The most interesting thing I learned in PFC's info packet was that furniture makers earn an average of $25,000 a year. I had to read that three times.  Well...

Okay, so maybe this will be a hobby.

Locally there are three or four schools I'm considering taking classes at.

These guys offer a program in Woodworking Manufacturing Technology with a specialization in Furniture Building. They also offer a "Morris Chair" class that can be taken up to 4 times! This may be a nice way for me to build 4 Morris Chairs with access to a complete shop and a teacher.

Fullerton has a Wood Technology program that includes a "furniture making specialist" subprogram.

WNW is a private institution that takes woodworkers into William Ng's shop for anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks in order to learn specific techniques or to build specific pieces of furniture. They also offer a Morris Chair class.

LATT has, by far, the most convenient location. But their program is not really geared towards furniture building but is focused on cabinet making instead. They offer one class on furniture design and manufacture.

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